Percentage to GPA Calculator

Convert percentage grades to GPA across different scales (4.0, 5.0, and 10.0). Free online calculator for academic grade conversion.

Convert Your Percentage to GPA



GPA Scales Explained

4.0 Scale

Commonly used in United States, Canada

90% = 3.6 GPA
85% = 3.4 GPA
80% = 3.2 GPA

5.0 Scale

Commonly used in Many international institutions

90% = 4.5 GPA
85% = 4.25 GPA
80% = 4.0 GPA

10.0 Scale

Commonly used in India, some European countries

90% = 9.0 GPA
85% = 8.5 GPA
80% = 8.0 GPA

Frequently Asked Questions

How is percentage converted to GPA?

The conversion formula is: GPA = (Percentage / 100) × Scale Maximum. For example, on a 4.0 scale, 85% would be (85/100) × 4.0 = 3.4 GPA.

Which GPA scale should I use?

Choose the scale that matches your institution's system. The 4.0 scale is most common in the US and Canada, while 5.0 and 10.0 scales are used in various other countries.

What is considered a good GPA?

Generally, above 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (75%), 3.75 on a 5.0 scale (75%), or 7.5 on a 10.0 scale (75%) is considered good.

About this Calculator

Convert percentage grades to GPA across different scales (4.0, 5.0, and 10.0). Free online calculator for academic grade conversion.

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